Good old Arsenal
Good old Arsenal,
we're proud to say that name.
And while we sing this song,
we'll win the game.
Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys!
Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys!
Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys!
And if you are a Tottenham Fan,
surrender or you die,
cause we all follow the Arsenal.
One-nil to the Arsenal
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal!
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal!
Que sera sera
Que sera sera
what ever will be will be
we`re going to Wemberly
que sera sera.
Tell me ma me ma
to put the champagne on ice.
We`re going to Wembley twice
tell me ma me ma
"Anchor away"
Go down the field again
Just one more goal
No other team can fight
like the boys in Red and White
Never let their Glory fade
Long may they reign
So let us all give out with
Up the Gunners, Up the Gunners Goal!
Drink, Drink....
Drink, drink, wherever you may be,
We are the drunk and disorderly,
but we don't give a s**t, and we don't give a f**k,
Coz we came home with the Cup Winners' Cup!"
Roll out the Arsenal
Roll out the Arsenal
Lets have a barrel of fun
Roll out the Arsenal
We've got them all on the run
资格赛阶段,包括三轮资格赛和附加赛阶段,球队每轮都会与对手进行 主客场两场比赛。进球数更多的球队获得晋级下一轮的资格,如果打平,则会用客场进球的数量多少,然后是点球大战来决定晋级资格的归属。
小组赛阶段,10支附加赛的赢家—其中5支来自于冠军途径,另外5只来自于排名途径—将会和22支自动晋级的队伍一起,组成有32支球队参加的小组赛。他们会分成8个小组,每组4支球队,每支球队都会与同小组的其他三个对手分别进行主客两场较量,时间则是在每年的9月至12月,最后将会有两支球队脱颖而出,晋级第一轮淘汰赛。每个小组的第三名则会进入 欧洲联赛32强。