
意大利足球有着悠久的 历史 和传统,因为擅长防守反击的打法,所以作为反击利器的箭头人物们,往往具备着鲜明的特点和个性。

题主想问的是回答者心目中“意大利足球 历史 十大前锋”?而不是 历史 最强的十大前锋。

那么我就以我心目中的“ 历史 十大”最为例子,太早期的我不懂,也没看过,在此不错评论。以90年代意甲开始大规模转播时期开始说吧,所以你们别问我为什么没有梅阿查,没有罗西这些。

既然是“意大利足球的 历史 十大”,那就先考虑国家队表现,然后是俱乐部战绩。



托尼:强力中锋在意大利国家队向来吃香,大器晚成的托尼不但曾打破意甲几十年的赛季进球记录。而且还具备极强的战术价值——不但射门准星高,且做球和支点能力都极强。 斯基拉奇:虽然昙花一现,但他是目前意大利足球史上的最后一位世界杯金球奖和金靴降得主,值得纪念一下。 巴洛特利:巴神虽然有时智商感人。但在国际大赛却有重要发挥,2012欧洲杯强强对话时,巴神曾已一己之力改变局势,对国家队贡献挺大的。

佐拉:做为九号半的代表之一,“矮脚虎”在意甲时期数据高光,后期前往英超也是技术扶贫。曾是切尔西史上最佳球员。可惜在国家队机会太少,世界杯只踢过10分钟。欧洲杯难得当上核心,却射失点球。 因扎吉:他的高光主要也是在俱乐部,无论是在尤文图斯或者AC米兰,都是一名优秀的终结者。他的抢点型射手打法独树一帜。不过在国家队正赛他始终是边缘人物,而预选赛方面贡献倒是不小。 托蒂:做为近三十年来意甲进球最多的球员,有必要在这个名单留下一席之地。托蒂表现最好的国家队大赛,其实是00欧洲杯。但对于意甲的巨大贡献也不可磨灭。 皮埃罗:国家队遭黑太多,但别忘了预选赛他总是球队出线的大腿级人物。他的主要贡献也是在于联赛方面,不过别忘了,98年大修之前,他可是跟罗纳尔多“双骄”过。 西格诺里:也是国家队机会较少,俱乐部的大神,三届意甲最佳射手的荣誉,连大罗巴蒂都做不到,在近三十年也只有他和范巴斯滕做到了。西格诺里进球效率高到什么程度——意甲进球率比巴乔还高,总进球数比巴蒂斯图塔还多! 巴乔:个人英雄主义表演的最佳主角。论技术,论头脑,论大赛表现,论球迷人气,近三十年哪个意大利前锋敢说自己比巴乔强?

当然,其他还有维亚利曼奇尼等人也很强。在你心目中的意大利足球 历史 十大前锋又是哪些人呢?欢迎一起讨论。

意大利 历史 上十大前锋,这个题目太大了点。喜欢意大利队很多年了,只说说自己看过比赛的吧!同样认为当今意大利的好前锋太少了!





























斑马王子皮耶罗的意识是出类拔萃的存在,当年出道不久那粒背后来球顺势凌空抽射破网至今令人难忘。 巴神曾经是意大利足球新生代的旗帜,欧洲杯打进德国进球后的霸气庆祝是个经典画面,只是脑子另类,神的有点跑偏了,着实可惜。 因扎吉是机会主义前锋的掌门师兄,嗅觉异禀,射术超凡,加之冷落潇洒的外形,岂是一个帅字了得。 托蒂是罗马王子,终老红狼的执着令人敬佩。精湛的射术、稳定的球风以及难得的领袖气质,无愧王子称号。 托尼也是意大利前锋的一派领军人,身材高大但不失灵活,出色的抢点意识以及出众的速度,透着大家之风。 最后来个另类的矮脚虎,佐拉,马拉多纳那不勒斯时代的小迷弟。盘带出色,技术灵活,作风勇猛。 随便列举就已经十个了,像维亚利、拉瓦内利等其实也都是实力不俗的前锋。




尽管如今的意大利足球正呈现出一种不可阻止的下降态势,但是意大利足球在他曾经的辉煌 历史 中为世界足坛贡献了数不清的足球巨星,诞生的一个又一个足球明星是人们津津乐道的话题,你对意大利足球了解么?知道意大利足球明星有哪些。今天就让360常识网来盘点一下意大利足球 历史 上的十大巨星。

意大利足球 历史 十大巨星排行榜







意大利国家队进球率高居第一的传奇巨星——希尔维奥·皮奥拉。到目前为止,在世界杯冠亚军决赛的 历史 上,单场打进不只1球的共有9人。贝利、赫斯特、拉恩、瓦瓦、肯佩斯、齐达内、罗纳尔多……而第一个做到这一点的是意大利传奇前锋皮奥拉,他的另一个头衔是:意甲 历史 第一射手。皮奥拉的意甲和国家队数据:539场意甲联赛中打进274球;34场国家队比赛打进30球,5个世界杯进球。
























吉吉·里瓦的职业生涯全部效力于卡利亚里足球俱乐部,绰号“滚雷”的他球队永远的神话,意大利国家队进球纪录的保持者。凭借押他的金左脚在球队的315场比赛中打入164粒进球,1969-1970赛季以28场比赛21球的成绩荣膺意甲金靴,帮助这支平民球队夺得球队 历史 上唯一的一次联赛冠军。1966-1967赛季和1968-1969赛季他也是联赛最佳射手,而他在国家队42场比赛35粒进球的纪录至今无人打破。



梅阿查出生于意大利米兰,意大利足球运动员、绰号“il Balilla”的上古球王。

朱塞佩·梅阿查是蓝衫军夺取1934和1938两届世界杯的核心球员。在意甲联赛中,梅阿查在国际米兰出道,后又转投AC米兰,参赛367场打进216球。在米兰,人们以他的名字重新命名了 体育 场,另外,据传其还是 历史 上最先运用“挑射”这种技术的球员。





巴乔也许是意大利足球 历史 上影响范围最广的球员,不仅因为他出众的球技,还有他俊朗的外形以及忧郁的气质。但更重要的是巴乔在球场上所创造的价值。




詹尼·里维拉无疑是AC米兰 历史 上最具代表性的人物之一。年仅15岁时代表亚历山德里亚参加意甲联赛。很快他就吸引了AC米兰的注意力,1960-61赛季加盟红黑军团。19岁时,詹尼·里维拉获得了他的第一个联赛冠军,在接下来的赛季里,1962-63赛季获得欧洲冠军杯,“金童”的绰号也由此而来。直到1978-79赛季末,不论是场内还是场外,詹尼·里维拉已经成为红黑军团 历史 的主角之一。在球场上,他始终展示出他非同寻常的天赋:进球,他获得过意甲最佳射手,还是一位伟大的助攻者,詹尼·里维拉为队友制造的进球方式永远是对手不可预料的。1978-79赛季他又为AC米兰赢得了一个联赛冠军、米兰的第十个意甲冠军。1969年,詹尼·里维拉成为第一位获得“金球奖”的意大利球员。

1.巴乔 亚平宁王子,个人荣誉第一,习惯待门将,不是受重伤,相信他早已封王!

2.维耶里 意大利炮 重型坦克 世界上唯一能够胜任9-0-1的单箭头战斧

3.英扎吉 鬼魅的跑位 抢点型前锋无人能出其右

4.西格诺里 小世界杯期间3次意甲金靴 只是生不逢时 速度 意识 脚法 一流

5.托蒂 狼王 意大利最全面的前锋 既有阳刚之美的爆射,又有四两拨千斤的脚法

6.卢卡托尼 草根之王 欧洲金靴得主,鼎盛意甲进球上30第一人 大器晚成退役前又分别拿下德甲和意甲金靴

7.维亚利 光头强 早期意大利的全能前锋 速度 力量 脚法 头球,样样精通

8.曼奇尼 如果没有巴乔,意大利最优秀的9号半非他莫属

9.德尔皮耶罗 巴乔最初的接班人,后巴乔时代意大利三次世界杯的锋线核心球员,但最适合的称呼是尤文的斑马王子

10.拉瓦内利 早期锋霸 头球 射术 力量都是欧洲一流


1913年的今天,意大利传奇前锋希尔维奥-皮奥拉来到了这个世界上。 在25年的职业生涯里,皮奥拉的意甲联赛出场数高达566场,位居 历史 第四。而他的274粒意甲联赛进球则让他成为了意甲联赛的 历史 最佳射手。时至今日,他所保持的这项纪录依然无人能破









皮耶罗是一个“不老的传奇”。他集“老妇人”各项 历史 记录于一身,不仅是俱乐部 历史 出场次数最多、出场时间最多的球员,同时还是 历史 最佳射手。其史诗般的“斑马军团”生涯,使他成为了尤文图斯的旗帜。


坏小子巴洛特利 为意大利国家队 出场33次打进13个进球。尽管只有24岁,但他已经被认为是球队中一名元老级成员了。而且他只有24岁,他还有无尽的潜能去变得更强大。





在国家队层面, 2006年世界杯在1/8决赛与澳大利亚的对阵中,托蒂将队友格罗索在比赛伤停补时 创造的点球罚入,将意大利带入8强,并随意大利队在后来与法国队的决赛中点球大战战胜对手,夺得大力神杯,成为2006年世界杯冠军队成员。






这一成绩为托尼赢得了欧洲金靴的荣誉,他是 历史 上第一个意甲和意大利的欧洲金靴。

2016年5月4日,即将年满39岁的维罗纳 前锋托尼宣布赛季结束以后挂靴 退役。


现效力于中超山东鲁能的意大利前锋佩莱,是意大利现役前锋中的姣姣者,做为高中锋他的支点做用明显,能拿球,能护球,能做球。虽说现在意大利足球日薄西山,但凡是有佩莱出战的场次,都还是让球迷放心的。 文尾放一张佩嫂的,做为福利送给大家

抛除很久远的梅阿查、里瓦等人,从有彩色世界杯录像开始。个人认为应该是:1、罗伯特.巴乔,原因:最喜欢球星,本人爱豆,1990、1994、1998三次世界杯上均有高光表现。2、维埃里,原因:维埃里后无锋霸 3、罗西,原因:1982年世界杯冠军还需要更多理由诠释吗?4、因扎吉,原因:禁区内嗅觉无人能敌 5-10: 佐拉 皮耶罗 斯基拉奇 曼奇尼 西格诺里

Associazione Calcio Milan is an Italian football club based in Milan, Lombardy, they play in red-and-black stripes, giving them the nickname "Rossoneri" ("red-blacks").

One of the most successful clubs in the world, they have won the prestigious European Cup 6 times (second only to Real Madrid), Intercontinental Cup 3 times, Serie A 17 times (only rivals Juventus have more Scudetti) and Coppa Italia five times. It is also one of the most supported football clubs in the world, and along with Juventus and Inter form the most popular teams in Italy.

The club was founded in 1899 by Alfred Edwards, a British expatriate. In honour of its origins, the club has retained the English spelling of its city's name, instead of changing it to the Italian Milano; it should be noted that the Italian pronunciation is actually MEE-lahn.


Foundation and early years

Milan's first championshipThe team, with the first denomination of Milan Cricket and Football Club, was founded on December 16, 1899, by Alfred Edwards. The first elected president was Alfred Edwards, a former British vice-consul in Milan, and well-known personality of the Milanese high society. Initially the team included a cricket section, managed by Edward Berra, and a football section assigned to David Allison.

The official colours chosen were red and black, in order to represent the fiery ardour which would have been part of the team members, and the fear of the opponents to challenge the team. Immediately the team gained relevant notability under Kilpin's guide; the first trophy to be won was the Medaglia del Re (King's Medal) on January 1900, and won three national leagues, in 1901, 1906 and 1907. The triumph of 1901 was particularly relevant because it stopped the consecutive series of wins of Genoa, which was the only team to have ever won the Italian league before that year.

In 1908, because of issues related to the desire to sign foreign players, a "progressive" faction split from AC Milan and founded the Internazionale Milano (known as Inter).

In 1916, AC Milan won the Federal Cup, a national trophy which somehow replaced the Italian league, suspended because of the World War I. That cup has not ever been recognized as Italian title. In 1919, the team changed its name to Milan Football Club.

After the first triumphs, Milan was not able any longer to repeat those high-level successes, obtaining only a number of half-table placements, even if always playing in the Italian top division.

In 1938 the fascist regime imposed a new italianized name, Associazione Calcio Milano, for the team. However, that name was abandoned immediately after the World War II, but maintaining the initial part: the team was called Associazione Calcio Milan, which is the current official name.

Gunnar Gren was a mainstay of A.C. Milan in the 1950s.

The fabulous 1950s

In the post-war period, AC Milan was among the three top Italian teams, and won the scudetto in 1951 - the first time since 1907. Il Grande Milan included the famous Gre-No-Li, a trio of Swedish players composed by Gunnar Gren, Gunnar Nordahl and Nils Liedholm who were Olympic winners. That team also fielded quality players such as Lorenzo Buffon, Cesare Maldini and Carlo Annovazzi.

After the 1951 scudetto, AC Milan won another three Serie A seasons, in 1955, 1957 and 1959, and two Latin Cups, in 1951 and 1956. In the end, AC Milan always placed among the top three teams from 1947/1948 to 1956/1957.

The period of Nereo Rocco

AC Milan returned to win a football league in 1961/1962. Its manager was Nereo Rocco, an innovative football coach, known as inventor of the catenaccio tactic. The team included a young Gianni Rivera and José Altafini. The following season, thanks also to Altafini's goals, Milan won their first Champions League by defeating Benfica 2-1. This was also the first time an Italian team won the Champions League.

Despite that, during the 1960s Milan won less than they deserved, mainly because of the heavy concurrence of Helenio Herrera's Inter. Its next scudetto arrived only in 1967/1968, thanks to the goals of Pierino Prati, the Serie A topscorer in that season, as well as the Cup Winners' Cup, won against Hamburger SV thanks to two goals of Kurt Hamrin. The next season AC Milan won its second Champions League (4-1 to AFC Ajax), and in 1969 won its first Intercontinental Cup, after having defeated in two dramatic legs the Estudiantes de La Plata of Argentina (3-0, 1-2).

The 10th scudetto and the first Serie B

In the 1970s, AC Milan won three Italian Cups and its second Cup Winners' Cup; however, the real goal of the rossoneri was the tenth scudetto, which would have awarded the first stella (star) to the team. A strong 1972/1973 season provided their first opportunity for the tenth scudetto, but ultimately proved a failure after a humiliating defeat against Verona on the last day of the season.

AC Milan had to wait until 1978/1979 to win its tenth scudetto, mainly thanks to Gianni Rivera, who retired from football after his final triumph.

However, the worst was yet to come for the rossoneri: after the 1979/1980 season, AC Milan was relegated by the Football Federation, together with S.S. Lazio, because of a match fixing scandal. In 1980/1981, Milan easily won the Serie B, and returned to Serie A, where it would suffer its worst season ever, in 1981/1982, being relegated once again.

The Berlusconi presidency

The Dream Team

CelebratingAfter several different financial troubles had caused bad times and a lack of success, AC Milan was bought on February 20, 1986 by Silvio Berlusconi, a Milanese enterpreneur. Berlusconi brought in a rising coach, Arrigo Sacchi, and three Dutch players, Marco van Basten, Frank Rijkaard and Ruud Gullit, to return the team to glory. He also signed some Italian stars: Roberto Donadoni, Davide De Lorenzis, Carlo Ancelotti and Giovanni Galli.

Sacchi won the 1987/1988 season after a great recovery over Diego Maradona's Napoli. In 1988/1989, AC Milan won its third Champions League, defeating Steaua Bucharest 4-0 in the final. The team repeated their triumph the following season, against Benfica (1-0), and earned its second Intercontinental Cup in a row beating Olimpia Asunción in 1991.

With Sacchi leaving Milan to coach the Italy national football team, Fabio Capello was hired and under him, the Rossoneri came to be known as Gli Invicibili (The Invincibles) or the Dream Team. With an unprecedented 58-match run with no defeats the Invincibili team had the likes of Franco Baresi and Paolo Maldini commanding one of the best defences in history, with Marcel Desailly and Roberti Donadoni in midfield and Dejan Savi?evi?, Zvonimir Boban, and Daniele Massaro playing in attack.

In addition to three consecutive scudetti (from 1992 to 1994), AC Milan reached the Champions League final for three consecutive years: in 1993 they were defeated by Olympique de Marseille; in 1994, it was FC Barcelona who experienced the taste of defeat, after a famous 4-0 thrashing at the hands of the rossoneri; and in the 1995 finals, Milan were again defeated, this time by Ajax Amsterdam. Then, in 1995-96, led by famous world-class players such as Roberto Baggio, Marco Simone and George Weah, AC Milan gained their 15th Italian Championship.

Years of Struggle

After the departure of Fabio Capello in 1996, Milan recruited Oscar Washington Tabarez but they struggled under the new manager and were winless in their first few opening matches. In an attempt to regain former glories they brought back Arrigo Sacchi to replace Tabarez. Milan signed new players like Ibrahim Ba, Christophe Dugarry and Edgar Davids to join the stars of the previous season's Championship team, Franco Baresi, Dejan Savi?evi?, Roberto Baggio, Mauro Tassotti, Sebastiano Rossi, Zvonimir Boban, George Weah, Paolo Maldini, Demetrio Albertini, Alessandro Costacurta and Marcel Desailly. The only regular players who left were Roberto Donadoni Davide De Lorenzis andMarco Simone.

Despite the superstars in their team, Milan struggled and shockingly suffered countless losses and draws and ended the Season 1996/97 in 11th place in the Italian Serie-A. Sacchi lost his job and Capello returned to Milan. Again, Milan signed many potential players like Christian Ziege, Patrick Kluivert, Jesper Blomqvist, and Leonardo but the results were even worse than the season before. The team suffered their worst Serie-A defeat, humiliated by Juventus FC at their own home of San Siro with a 1-6 score, although they ended Season 1997/98 an improved 10th place. This was still unacceptable and Capello, like Sacchi, was fired.

In their search for a new manager, Alberto Zaccheroni attracted Milan's attention. Zaccheroni was the manager of Udinese who had ended the Season 1997/98 on a high note in 3rd place. Milan signed Zaccheroni along with two of his players at Udinese, Oliver Bierhoff and Thomas Helveg. Milan also signed Roberto Ayala, Luigi Sala and Andres Guglielminpietro and with a 3-4-3 formation, Zaccheroni brought the club's 16th Scudetto back to Milan. The winning line-up was: Rossi; Sala, Costacurta, Maldini; Helveg, Albertini, Ambrosini, Guglielminpietro; Weah, Bierhoff, Boban.

However, despite this success, Zaccheroni failed to transform Milan to the great team it used to be. The following season, despite the emergence of Ukraine's great Andriy Shevchenko, Milan disappointed their fans in both the Champions League and Serie-A. Milan exited the Champions League early, only winning one out of six matches (three draws and two losses) and ended the Season 1999/00 in the 3rd place. Milan was never a challenge to the top two contenders to the Scudetto, S.S. Lazio and Juventus FC.

The following season, Milan qualified for the UEFA Champions League 2000-01 by crushing Dinamo Zagreb to a 6-1 aggreggate. Milan started the Champions League at a high note, defeating Besiktas JK from Turkey and Spanish giants FC Barcelona, who at the time consisted of international superstars Rivaldo and Patrick Kluivert. But Milan then started to lose, including losing by a shocking 3-0 scoreline to Juventus in the Serie-A and 1-0 to Leeds United.

In the Champions League second round, Milan only won once and drew four times. They failed to beat Deportivo de La Coru?a from Spain in the last game and Zaccheroni was fired. Cesare Maldini, the father of team captain Paolo, was appointed and things immediately got better. Maldini's official coaching debut at Milan started with a 4-0 demolition of A.S. Bari. It was also under Maldini's leadership that Milan defeated their city rivals Internazionale with an outstanding score of 6-0, a score which has never been repeated and in which Serginho starred in the match. However, after this peak of form, Milan started losing again including a disappointing 1-0 defeat to Vicenza Calcio. After these results, the Milan board of directors gave Maldini a target of fourth place at the end of the season but Maldini failed and the team ended 6th.

Milan started their 2001/02 campaign by signing more star players including Javi Moreno and Cosmin Contra who took Deportivo Alaves to the final round of the UEFA Cup. They also signed Kakha Kaladze, Manuel Rui Costa, Filippo Inzaghi, Martin Laursen, Gianni Commandini and Andrea Pirlo. Fatih Terim was appointed manager, replacing Cesare Maldini, and had moderate success. However, after five months in the club, Milan was nowhere near the top five in the league and Terim was sacked for failing to meet the board of directors' expectations. He was replaced by Carlo Ancelotti, despite rumours that Franco Baresi would be the new manager.

Despite the injury problems of full-back Paolo Maldini, Ancelotti was successful and ended the Season 2001/02 in fourth, earing a place in the Champions League. Milan's starting line at that point was Christian Abbiati; Cosmin Contra, Alessandro Costacurta, Martin Laursen, Kakha Kaladze; Gennaro Gattuso, Demetrio Albertini, Serginho; Rui Costa; Shevchenko, Inzaghi.

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In Season 2002/03, AC Milan was back and better than ever. Inzaghi returned to top form and along with Shevchenko, the two proved to be a dynamic duo. Paolo Maldini returned from injury and was moved to central defence to form a pairing with the newly-signed Alessandro Nesta, who at the time was arguably the best defender in Europe. Dida returned to Milan after a fantastic season with Corinthians, where he had established himself as a legendary penalty stopper while the departure of Albertini led to a change of position for Andrea Pirlo who usually played in the position occupied by Rui Costa. This was fortunate for Pirlo because if he had decided to stick with his old deep-seated playmaking role, he would never have had played in the starting line-up, with Rui Costa also in top form. Clarence Seedorf was signed from Internazionale and Milan ended the season with their sixth Champions League trophy in 2003 and third place in Serie-A. They also won the Coppa Italia and European Super Cup. Their Champions League winning starting line-up was: Dida; Costacurta, Nesta, Maldini, Kaladze; Gattuso, Pirlo, Seedorf; Rui Costa; Shevchenko, Inzaghi. Then the following season, Milan signed Kaká. Kaká became Milan's key player and took the spotlight from Rui Costa, who would leave Milan two years after Kaká's emergence. With Kaká, Milan proved to be almost invincible and won their 17th Scudetto without difficulties.

In 2005, despite a goal from Paolo Maldini very early on and two goals from Hernan Crespo, Milan let a 3-0 lead in their Champions League Final against Liverpool F.C. of England slip to a 3-3 draw. They conceded 3 second half goals in a span of 6 minutes, before losing on penalties. This was the first time that Milan had lost in a European Final while playing in their away strip of all-white. Milan ended the season being 2nd in the League and won the Italian Super Cup, defeating SS Lazio.

On the 8th of March 2006, Milan defeated FC Bayern Munich of Germany in the first knock-out round of the UEFA Champions League and became the only club in Europe that has participated in the quarter finals of the tournament in every season between 2002/2003 and 2005/2006. Thus, the club affirms its status as one of the powerhouses of European football, and has arguably been the strongest team in Europe during this time period. AC Milan defeated Olympique Lyonnais 3-1 in the quarter-finals of this season's (2005-2006) UEFA Champions League - a match in which Filippo Inzaghi and Andriy Shevchenko scored in the last few minutes of the match to rescue Milan. In scoring Shevchenko became that year's Champions League top scorer. Milan was defeated by FC Barcelona of Spain 0-1 on aggregate in the semi-finals of the 2005/06 UEFA Champions League.In the 2006 world cup 5 acmilan players played for the winning team of italy. Hobo

Match-fixing Allegations

Milan were named in the Serie A scandal of 2006 but survived the drop to Serie B. A preliminary court decision deprived Milan of 44 out of the 88 points they gained in Serie A 2005-06 and made them start the 2006-07 season with minus 15 points. Later, however, these point deductions were reduced, to 30 and minus 8 respectively, giving Milan the chance to compete in UEFA Champions League 2006-07. Although some of Milan's rival clubs had hoped that UEFA would ban Milan from this competition for their alleged involvement in the scandal, the final decision by the European football governing body allowed Milan to take part with some reservations, effectively ending all speculation. Milan played former champions Red Star Belgrade of Serbia, who beat Cork City of Ireland 4-0 on aggregate, on Wednesday August 9, 2006. The final result was Milan winning 1-0. They will be facing off again August 22 in Belgrade.


The team's current stadium is the 85,700 seater Giuseppe Meazza, also known as the San Siro. The stadium is shared with Internazionale (also known as "Inter"), the other major football club in Milan. AC Milan supporters use "San Siro" to refer to the stadium because Meazza was a star player for Inter.

On 19 December 2005, Milan Vice-President/CEO, Adriano Galliani announced that the team is seriously working to move out from San Siro. He said that Milan's new stadium will be largely based on Schalke Arena and following the standards of football stadia in America, Germany, and Spain. Most likely it will be a stadium for football purpose only (without the athletic tracks). The new stadium's name will be given to the sponsors.